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Haicheng talc powder

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Haicheng danhai chemical stone powder co. LTD

Contact phone number:0412-3336266 3266888

Inquiry hotline:4000-0404-06

Contact phone:13904924268


The zip code:114200

Address: fanma village, mafeng town, haicheng city, liaoning province

常州White talc lump

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常州White talc lump

  • Taxonomy:常州Talc lump

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  • Date of release:2018/07/17
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Detailed introduction

White talc lump

White talc: talc is a hydrothermal alteration mineral. The rich magnesium ore is often changed into talc by hydrothermal corrosion, so talc is often assumed as olivine, enstatite, hornblende, diorite, etc. Talc is a common silicate mineral that is very soft and has a creamy feel. Ten minerals have been selected to represent 10 hardness levels, known as mohs hardness, in which the first, or softest, is talc.

The address of this article:http://enhcdhhg.mycn86.cn/product/572.html

Key word:Whitetalclump,Whitestoneblockmanufacturer,Whichisbetter,whitetalc

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