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Haicheng talc powder

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Haicheng danhai chemical stone powder co. LTD

Contact phone number:0412-3336266 3266888

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Address: fanma village, mafeng town, haicheng city, liaoning province

常州Calcined talc

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常州Calcined talc

  • Taxonomy:常州Talc lump

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  • Date of release:2018/07/17
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Detailed introduction

Calcined talc

Calcined talc: calcined talc is a kind of mineral material which is widely used. It has certain and irreplaceable functions in different industries.

1) rubber: calcined talcum powder used in the increase of rubber plastic resin glue, especially in the foaming product can help them in processing molding, both in the processing molding, extrusion molding, to shorten the molding time can increase productivity.

Calcined talcum powder in rubber resin, can change the physical properties of the product - to increase tension strength, impact resistance strength, shear strength, the strength of one piece, hardness, reduce the rate of deformation, stretching, cushion coefficient of expansion, etc. Calcined talc powder is used to reduce the cost of raw materials by improving the processing performance of moulding, calcination, extrusion, injection, etc.

2) paint: calcined talcum powder in the paint, coating, exposure, resistance to high temperature resistant, don't change color under uv irradiation, can keep the original luster and color for a long time, has good resistance to acid and alkali corrosion performance, and good water resistance, resistance to pollution, there is no aging performance is strong, wear-resistant, resistant to steam and chemical stability, and flame retardancy

3) ceramics: in the ceramics industry, talcum powder has a very important role, ceramic colour different important factors is to add the talcum powder, different ratio, different ratio of ingredients can make the ceramic presents different colour, make ceramic white degree enhancement after calcining, density uniformity, good gloss, surface smooth. Besides producing special block talc porcelain, it is also widely used. Talc powder combined with porcelain clay produces special ceramic products with various properties. For example: adding 15% talcum powder of daily-use ceramics tableware (), strong toughness, translucent, bright colors, add 40-80% talcum powder architectural pottery, ceramic tile, ceramic tile, porcelain, etc.) with minimal thermal expansion and wet swelling, high strength, not cracked colour is beautiful, add different amounts of talc preferable to the different characteristics in the ceramics.

The address of this article:http://enhcdhhg.mycn86.cn/product/573.html

Key word:Calcinedtalc,Calcinedtalcwholesale,Calcinedtalcmanufacturer

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