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Haicheng talc powder

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Haicheng danhai chemical stone powder co. LTD

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Your current position: Home page >> Products >> 常州wollastonite


  • Taxonomy:常州wollastonite

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  • Date of release:2018/07/17
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Detailed introduction


Wollastonite: the molecular form of wollastonite is Ca3 [Si3O9]. Triclinal system, belonging to a single chain silicate mineral. It is usually lamellar, radial or fibrous. White microstrip gray. Vitreous luster, pearl luster on cleavage surface. Hardness 4.5 ~ 5.0. Cleavage parallel to {100}, completely parallel to {001} medium, two groups of cleavage plane Angle is 74 °. Density 2.78 ~ 2.91 g/cm3. Mainly produced in the contact metamorphic zone between acid intrusive rocks and limestone, it is the main mineral composition of skarn. It is also found in some deep metamorphic rocks. Used as raw materials or fillers for papermaking, ceramics, cement, rubber, plastics, etc. Gas filtration materials and heat insulation materials; Metallurgical flux, etc.

On October 27, 2017, the list of carcinogens released by the world health organization's international agency for research on cancer was preliminarily compiled for reference. Silica fume was included in the list of 3 types of carcinogens.

The address of this article:http://enhcdhhg.mycn86.cn/product/586.html

Key word:wollastonite,Silicalimestonefactory,Whichisbetter,silicafume

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