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Haicheng talc powder

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Is talc poisonous

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Is talc poisonous

Date of release:2018-06-04 Author: Click:50

Talc is poisonous.

Talc particles can cause ovarian and lung tumors. A number of studies have shown a strong association between talc use in women's reproductive organs and ovarian cancer. Talc particles can be transplanted into the reproductive system and implanted into the inner layer of the ovary. The researchers found talc particles in ovarian tumors and found that women with ovarian cancer used talc more frequently in their reproductive organs than healthy women.

When the lungs come into contact with talc, it can be a health hazard. Talc miners are more likely to develop lung cancer and other respiratory diseases because they are exposed to industrial-grade talc containing silica and asbestos. A common household hazard caused by talc is inhaling baby talcum powder. Since the early 1980s, records have shown that thousands of babies die or become seriously ill each year from accidental inhalation of talcum powder.


1. Protect the skin and mucous membrane

Talcum powder, due to its small size and large area, can absorb a large number of chemical irritants or poisons, so it can have a protective effect when sprinkled on the surface of inflamed or damaged tissue. In addition to protecting the inflamed gastrointestinal mucosa and playing the role of antiemetic, antidiarrheal, also can prevent the absorption of toxins in the gastrointestinal tract.

2. Antibacterial effect

The culture medium contained 10% talc powder by plate method, which had inhibitory effect on typhoid and paratyphoid bacillus. The paper rule only has a mild antibacterial effect on meningococcal meningitis.

3. Functional governance

Clear heat, moistening, good digestion. Treatment of heat irritability thirst, adverse urine, diarrhea, dysentery, gonorrhea, jaundice, edema, epistaxis, beriberi, skin wet rot

Talc is not completely harmless, causing granuloma in the abdomen, rectum, vagina, etc.

Weak spleen qi, smooth and fever do not wear the injured, pregnant women carefully.

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Talcum powder

Talcum powder

The address of this article:http://enhcdhhg.mycn86.cn/news/404.html

Key word:Talcumpowder

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