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Haicheng talc powder

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Haicheng danhai chemical stone powder co. LTD

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Your current position: Home page >> Products >> 常州Magnesium stone


  • Taxonomy:常州Magnesium stone

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  • Date of release:2018/07/17
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Detailed introduction


Magnesia: magnesia, also known as sintered magnesia, is made from magnesite, hydromagnetite or magnesium hydroxide produced by reaction of sea water and lime milk. It is mainly used for making basic refractory, magnesium-alumina bricks, such as magnesia bricks, and for laying steel furnace bottom with more impurities.

Magnesia can be divided into natural magnesia and sea magnesia or synthetic magnesia. Natural magnesia mainly comes from natural magnesite, but it is difficult to obtain high purity and high quality products due to the quality restriction of the original ore. Up to now, seawater magnesia has become the main source of magnesia used in industrial developed countries. Magnesite in MgO style theory content is 47.3%, the rest of the classification of CaO, SiO2, iron impurities, magnesite heated to 700 ℃ ~ 800 ℃ in air decomposition, known as the "light burned magnesia, further becomes inactive when it is heated to above 1530 ℃ periclase become hard burned magnesia, referred to as the" dead burned magnesite ". The precipitated Mg(OH)2 was calcined to obtain MgO, and the ratio of calcium to silicon in the synthetic magnesium sand used for non-sintering bricks was 0.3 to 0.5, while the ratio of calcium to silicon in the high-purity seawater magnesium sand was more than 1.7, and its high temperature intensity was the highest. The synthetic magnesia used in industrial production is made from sea water and digestive dolomite.

The address of this article:http://enhcdhhg.mycn86.cn/product/576.html

Key word:magnesia,Magnesiafactory,Magnesiawholesale

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